mercredi 11 avril 2007

Transcendantal Ethology and Darwin

I - May we introduce the problem?
Charles Darwin wrote about the evolution of vegetals and animals. Between his texts and all the texts of human sciences like philosophy, psychology, sociology, and so on, there is no bridge. He neither went in the human evolution from our speciation to paleontologic period and from neolithic one to our days. All the things we use or produce are not taking in consideration. One realistic reason of this state of fact is that it is difficult to speak about macro-evolution and micro evolution. It's like macro-economy and micro-economy. The words and the ideas are not the same.

But we must continue the building of the thought about the evolution of life. We need a copernician revolution. Darwin is a traditional humanist. Thanks to him, we know that the apes and we, we are cousins. But it's like we were the best and the most beautiful realisation of the life. It's a mistake. Our cousins have the same universal age, from Bing Bang, than we. Like all livings beings we see about us. Then no being is best or least, the most or the least beautiful. Will applicate the central Darwin rule: we are then we must be. It's not relativism, it's a scientific method of thinking. In an other way, there is a time for moral and and a time for science. When i think like a moral man, I say that the human must be tolerant one to another. But when I am scientific, I understand that there are wars between human groups.

We spend very much money for studying human acts and very less for other living beings. It's due to the first law of transcendantal ethology: a living being works for his eternity by collecting ressources necessary to its life and by reproduction. The "I" spider or the "I" lion begin by thinking about the ressources it need and the reproduction with an other "I" spider or "I" lion. The "I" human being does exist only like an environmental living being and not like the king of the life. For the spider, the king must be a spider and fot the lion, a lion.

Then a spider becomes a spider, a lion becomes a lion. The second law of the transcendantal ethology affirms that every individual vegetal or animal is an "I". Let study how a human becomes a human. We will take 3 possibilities throught 6,5 billions one. Suppose one human in a small idealistic town in the chinese country. It will be our countryman man. The second case will be an other human living in a medium town off about 100 000 peoples. He is a urban human. And the last one will be a person living in a megalopole like Schanghaï. We may name him, a megapole human.

II - The three types of humans beings and the evolution.
In the country, today, when an "I" human appear, his mother is responsible of breeding the little children and the husband, of cleaning the house and of the vegetals which grow in the garden. His father go to the country and he work hard all the day for doing things that give him money for life. It's a little simplist but it's not wrong for our reflexion. If the "I" is a boy, the family will say him to look at his father and to do like him. If "I" is a girl, the example will be the mother. Then, if the "I" respect this message, the life will be more easier that the opposite. A boy who wish to go to the country with the father, will be appreciate but if he desire to cook or to clean the home, mother and father will be angry. It's for the reproduction in humanity. In the first law, there is also the problem of the ressources. What are they? The home, the furnitures, the clothes, all the things which ought to à human. The father give the example to his boy. If he want resources, he must work like him and become a peasant. For a girl, she acts like his mother and one day the family will find her a good husband. The passage from one stage to the other is natural, evident and continuous.

But in a town of 100 000 peoples like Lille, the situation is different. The possibilties of earning ressources are very important. Somebody must think what he wish do in his life. He or she can do like parents but they can want a better or a lesser life. If my father is the richest man of the town, it could be difficult to do better. Then, his son or his daughter may become a priest or a nun. What is important in a town is to go to school and to learn of many other peoples than father and mother. The result is that an "I" will find all he need for eternity - ressources and reproduction - but the differences between parents and children may be very important. Nevertheless, the way of country life may persist. The passage from one stage to the other is natural, evident and continuous. "I" appear, the parents breed "I", "I" go to school and in the school, "I" discover what "I" like to do and what "I" can do. The parents give "I" the example of reproduction but "I" see very much adult persons and "I" do his own way of reproductive way of life. For example, the catholic priests avoid the reproduction.

Is there a difference between megalopole and town? The difference is due to the fact that when somebody lives in a megalopole like Shanghaï, he lives in the Mc Luhan village. The earth is one village. He is born here. His parents exist or not in his consciousness. He go to local school or to a school for foreigners and due to these circumstances, he speak or not the local language. But there is not very important. The passage from one stage to the other is natural, evident and continuous but the platform is equal to the world. Here the third law of transcendantal ethology is important. This law speak about " living geography". May we describe the "human geography".If your are alone like Robinson Crusoe on his island, you do and think what you want, when you want and how you want. If there are 6,5 billions peoples together, the species who is in this situation discovers during his 7 millions years story the means to live together in a minimum of harmony. Then there are rich and poor people, powerful and unpowerful. But no situation is definitive: rich today and poor tomorrow or the contrary and powerful today and unpowerful tomorrow. There millions of degrees in poverty and richness and in power or weakness. It gives us a geography which in one part seems to arbitrary - why there is here a summit and here a river - and in other part the result of evolution - the summit and the river are the result of techtnonic movement. Mr Wal an Mr Mart began their commercial life with little shops. But between 1947 and today the population grew from 2 to 6,5 billions and we did millions of scientific discoveries - cars for all the peoples and computers with Ghz and Gigabytes and due to this we have today Wal-Mart with his millions of clients.

III - Where is Darwin and where is evolution applicated to humanity.
In this text we gave a macro description who is sufficient for transcendantal ethology but this description is not for philosophers, psychologists or sociologists. This text is diachronic and synchronic.

Diachrony: it shows the similitudes today between humans beings and all the others livings beings. Il will be the fourth law of transcendantal ethology: the passage from one stage of an "I" to the other stage of aon "I" is natural, evident and continuous.

Synchrony: from the speciation of the humans to the situation of todays there were modifications which gave advantages to us. The fifth law of transcendantal ethology saus that the rules elaborated by Darwin must be continued in the descrption of the humanity: no being is best or least, the most or the least beautiful but the beings are then they must be.

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